Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our Little Duck

We had our second visit to the OB this week and got to see our beautiful baby again.  This time, he or she looked like a little duck with arms and legs sticking out! We are now 10 weeks (on 5/20/10) and the baby is the size of a shrimp.  It's officially a fetus!  This little duck has lips, toes, fingernails, and all its major organs.  What a miracle I am experiencing!

I have been feeling very good the last few weeks.  My biggest complaints have been the tried feeling and my tailbone's soreness.  Tim's biggest complaint is my burping (even though I don't even open my mouth)!  But I realize how blessed I am to not deal with morning sickness :)

Here is a sonogram picture of Our Little Duck at 9 weeks 4 days:

This week, I told Father John (the Priest that married us) that we are expecting a baby and he was overjoyed.  He blessed me and the baby and assured me that the pregnancy would go well.

I feel like my baby bump is beginnning to show (to me atleast).  I can tell a lot after I eat and when I try to suck in my stomach and it doesn't move.

Pictures of me at 9 weeks (2 pounds gained and the bump is starting to grow):

And with regular clothes on, it's not so obvious (except for the boobs ):

As far as cravings, pickles tend to show up during meal and snack time more often; although nothing disgusting like mixing with ice cream.  All in all,I am enjoying this wonderful gift that God has given us. 


8 weeks today (5/6/11)!  Our little embryo is now the size of a large raspberry!  He or she is beginning to move in my belly, although I can't feel it yet.  The baby is growing a millimeter each day!  The tongue is developing, and the intestines that have been developing in the umbilical cord are moving into the abdomen.

The baby has also taken on a nickname: "Bud."  Tim's dad had declared this name for our little one before we even knew we were pregnant.  He always names the grandkids with some outlandish boy's name :)  But it seems the name is catching on for now.  Lori says she is going to make me a onesie that reads,
"This Bud's for You." 

Tim and I have started brainstorming real names for the baby.  Tim is sure it's a girl, but we are both anxious to find out.  We have made an appointment with an Early Detection place to determine the gender on June 25.  We are both counting down!

We have also taken some leisure walks through baby stores, getting pricing and ideas for nurseries.  Both of us keep picking out cribs and bedding for a girl.  Is that a sign?

Pictures of my growing belly (or lack of) at 7 weeks:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Well that was Awkward!

We had our first pre-natal appointment on April 21, 2011.  Neither one of us knew what to expect, I just wanted someone to confirm my pregnancy!  We spent about an hour talking with the nurse about our family histories and answering all 15 questions I had already written down (did you expect anything different?).  We were very pleased with the information she provided and then we were escorted to the infamous scale for my weight.  She also asked for a urine sample.  I asked if it showed her I was pregnant- waiting for those important words- and she replied, "Oh you haven't received a confirmation?"  She pulled out a test and said it would take a few minutes.  But, she turned around 5 seconds later and said, "oh wow, it already showed up- yes you're pregnant."  YAY!!

Next we headed to the exam room where they asked me to follow the normal routine.... you know the drill.  Let's just say Tim wasn't prepared for that.  The midwife came in and spoke with us for a few minutes and then performed her exam.  It wasn't 1 second after she left the room that Tim said, "well that was awkward!" 

The midwife told us that according to my cycle I was 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant, making my due date December 5, 2011.  But the best news was still to come- she would do a sonogram so we can hear the heartbeat and confirm the due date!! I was ecstatic!

We had to wait another 15 minutes and then were taken into the sonogram room- which means they are going to rub jelly on my belly, right?  WRONG!!  After asking me to take my clothes off yet again, she pulled out the "tool."  At that moment I had flashes of "Knocked Up" where the OB pulls out the same tool and looks at the dad letting him know "he's next."  I only wish I could have seen the look on Tim's face. My shock faded quickly as they turned the screen for us to see and hear our little one.  It was an amazing, priceless moment. 

As the midwife examed and measured our tiny embryo she announced, "oh, looks like we're barely 6 weeks along."  This changed our due date to December 16, 2011.  I am still a little skeptical of this new date, besides it wouldn't be outrageous for Tim and I to have an abnormally small baby!  We'll just wait and see how our bundle of joy looks at the next visit- May 17

Here is a picture of the sonogram (or the yolk sac, haha).  Listening to the heartbeat was much more exciting!