He has also added a few words to his repertoire, although he never says words on demand. His new words include: choo choo (as in train), duck, go, and bye. He also tries to repeat our words in conversation.
One of our favorite things Brooks is doing is giving his mommy and daddy kisses. Once again, he won't ever do it on demand. But he picks the sweetest moments to stop and give kisses.
Weight: 23 lbs. 10 oz. (63%)
Height: 31 in. (42%)
Head: 18.5 in. (55%)
Brooks has been quite the handful at church lately. We obviously can't sit in church because he can't sit still or stay quiet (which is understandable for a 15 month old). Therefore, we stay in the "cry room" which seems to be more like a playground. Last week, Brooks watched about 6 toddlers having social hour and on our way out he tried "running" like one of the older boys. It was so funny! Tim and I laughed at his speed walk, he'll get there one day but for now we will enjoy the laugh :)
One of Brooks favorite games these days is "Where's Brooks?" while he covers his eyes. Every time he gets so excited when we say "There he is!" Here is a picture of him playing this game with the cabinets:
Our handsome man at Laura's Wedding!