I wondered: Did I just come home from work and watch TV? Did I eat whatever I wanted? Did I go to bed whenever I wanted? Did I make plans without thinking twice about who will watch the kids? These ideas are absolutely foreign me to, it's as if that person never existed.
These thoughts led me to the purpose God has put in my life. I'm not talking about a world changing purpose that everyone knows about, I'm talking about the daily purpose of raising my kids to know, love, and serve God. This daily purpose wakes me up in the morning with smiles, snuggles me during cartoons, tries to eat dinner in my lap, stands in the bathroom with me, and begs for me to read one more book at night. What higher purpose could there be than to raise my little munchkins to be children of God?
I feel sorry for my past self, not realizing how important (and absolutely exhausting) this time would be. Watching TV, going to bed, eating what I want, does not matter or compare to the amazing gift and job that God has given me.
So as we sit down for Thanksgiving this year, I give thanks for God's purpose in my life- my 3 little loves. As I work on teaching them all about God, God is working through them to teach me all about patience. Patience when the milk spills all over the ground, patience when I am sweeping for the 4th time that day, patience when my little guy can't express his feelings, and patience when they just need a hug from mama.
I pray that each of you are also blessed in your purpose!
Happy Thanksgiving!