School is back in session! This year, Brooks is a big Pre-K student, Ramsey is in the 2 year old classroom, and Eden started her school career last week! I am very excited about each of their teachers, and I just hope they are given the love of learning! This is Brooks with his teachers at his meet-n-greet: And here are the boys on their first day:
Eden is 3 months old now and such a doll! Her sleeping habits have been the biggest blessing for mama as she will give me about 11 hours each night! Although, Ramsey still wakes up most nights.
Eden is gaining weight, smiling more often, and loves to stand up on your lap. She hates tummy time, so I'm not expecting her to start rolling anytime soon. I'm truly trying to soak up everything about having a little baby (as she will be our "baby" forever). I just love her squishy legs, smooth baby skin, and the love in her eyes!
This will be quite a busy fall for the Hourigan family. I will be finishing up my last semester of grad school and will graduate in December with a Specialist in Educational Leadership. Brooks will be playing soccer 2 days a week. Tim will be doing a bit more commuting for his job. And oh ya, Georgia Football!!
Our next endeavor starts this week- we are building a screened in porch on our house. We are so, so excited about it! I can't wait to sit out there in the fall evenings. I will be doing some follow-up posts about it soon!!