For me, the bad luck started on Eden's birthday when I ripped off my toenail. I babied that for a week or 2, which then led into a virus.
I got a 104 degree fever on a Monday and nursed it for a few days before I headed to urgent care for some Tamiflu. But lo and behold, it wasn't the flu... just a virus! I got a steroid shot and was sent home. By the end of the week I was starting to feel better.
Then that Saturday night I got a terrible headache. This seemed to be a migraine that I just couldn't shake. It ruined our Mother's Day plans and I tried to cope with Motrin until Monday. When the headache was still going strong on Monday I headed to my primary care doctor. She gave me a shot for migraines and said it would be gone in 30 minutes.... WRONG!
That night I was still debilitated and decided to call on the on-call doctor. He had me load up on steroids and said if the headache was still there in the morning to head to the ER.
Morning came and I still didn't feel right. I picked up my mama and headed to the ER. Part of me felt like I was being dramatic and the other part of me was sure I had a brain tumor or meningitis.
The doctors were very thorough (and now that I got the bill, a little too thorough). They did a full blood work up, chest X-ray, and head CT scan to rule some things out. All those came back without any results. The doctor felt like we should do a spinal tap next. He inserted what my mom described as a foot long needle into my back and drained my spinal fluid. He told us it would take an hour to process. He came back in 15 minutes with the news... I had meningitis!!
They immediately came in with a mask for me and moved me quickly to a private room. Along with that came the news that I would miss Brooks' pre-k graduation that night because I would have to stay in the hospital for a few days 😔
Long story short- I spent a few days in the hospital hooked up to IVs, went home on Thursday and continued to recover for the next week. The worst part was how difficult it was to enjoy the kids, any light or noise amplified my headache. They didn't quite understand the concept of staying quiet, so it was hard on them too.
Thank goodness for my village that came in and took care of everything! My family all helped out with the kids, my mama also babied me in the hospital, Tim was super dad and a doting husband, and my work family came through with meals and gift cards to keep our house running! At the end of the day, I am so very blessed and this whole experience helped me remember that. Praise God!