Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Things to Remember

There are so many candid and hilarious conversations I have with my kiddos on a daily basis that just make me chuckle. I find myself forgetting these convos in 24 hours- so this post is to remember a few of them...

Eden: Tim and I are sitting out on the driveway watching the kids play. Eden hollers from inside, “Mommy, can you come wipe my bottom?”

I respond, “No Eden, we’re past that. Wipe it yourself.”

5 minutes later, out comes Eden. She whispers in my ear, “We aren’t past that, Mommy.” 😂

She also has been telling us the a puppy will “nickel” you (meaning “nibble”)

Ramsey: We are discussing going to college and Ramsey asked if you can skip college. I say, “No, because then you can’t get a good job.” 

He says, “So all they do is tell you good job?” 😂 

He has also grown up and gets embarrassed by “baby” things now like Thomas the Train ☹️ Brooks hasn’t hit that “embarrassment” phase yet! 

Brooks: “When I turn 9, Daddy’s moving out and I’m moving in.” (Referring to sleeping in our king sized bed).

Brooks has quite the humor in the sayings he catches on to and uses in the right context too. One he uses a lot is “literally.” 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Weird! That’s the best way to describe the current state of our communities! Schools are canceled for who knows how long, businesses are limited and serving only take-out, and full social distancing is expected! 

But God is still bigger. He always has been, and perhaps he is trying to give us all the rest we so desperately need.  Let’s face it- we were all too busy! 

Too busy for family, too busy for church, too busy for things that should have been prioritized. I’m in a place where I am trying to appreciate this time at home. Believe me-  homeschooling, working, and continuing on the pursuit of a doctorate is a lot during this time. But God is providing rest. He is providing time for memories. He’s providing time for home projects. He is providing time for prayer and family worship or Bible study. And you know what? Our family has very easily fallen into a place where these are possible.

I hate that baseball is postponed. I hate that we may need to worry about income. I hate that families may be going without food. I hate the fear that some have over this virus.

But I love what God is doing. We need to remember, he seeks to have that relationship with us. He is giving us the time to not only talk to him, but to listen. Listen for his plan for us. Listen for the purpose he lays on your heart. Listen for guidance, love, and peace that has always been there.

Love, peace, and faith during this time! 

A few homeschooling pics:

More coming in the next few weeks!