Shelter in place now takes on a different meaning for everyone- depending on their current situation.
Will we look back on this time and miss the rest? Will this time be responsible for growing the relationships in our home? Will we be closer to Jesus after this passes? These are thoughts I use to try and stay away from the darkness. It can get pretty overwhelming trying to balance working, teaching my kids, working on my doctorate, taking care of our home, keeping my kids emotional state positive, and oh ya- worrying about that stupid virus!
These pictures are just to document this time. This uncharted territory has to be used for good- so I need to remember what happened, 😂
With that being said- we know we have it easy. Others are losing jobs, losing income, losing health, and losing time with family that they can’t expose.
This time in unprecedented. But my prayer is that we walk away with stronger family units, our focus on God, and more unity in community. And I pray this ends soon and never happens again! ❤️