Sunday, September 7, 2014

Everyday Reality

It's getting harder and harder to find the time (and supervision for the kiddos) to get my blog done in any timely fashion.  Quite honestly, I'd rather be playing and loving on the wee ones, but I know I will truly appreciate this in years to come.  In fact, I already love looking back at pictures and stories of Brooks when he was younger.  So here's my best attempt for now...

 Ramsey is a busy, busy boy.  He crawls, climbs, and pulls up all over the place.  He eating lots of different foods and still loves everything.  He just started trying some "puffs."  And he is still loving to sleep in his car seat :/ Big 8 months and of course, time is flying! His smile is so contagious... so here are some for your viewing pleasure...



 My boys all had first days of school this month!  

And Miss Annalea Rose graced us with her presence!  Such a doll already (Ramsey loves her)

We had a great time at Catch Air with Field and Dayton before they moved to Augusta :(    If I ask Brooks who his friends are (like at school), he still answers with "Field and Dayton."  
My little minions...

Brooks is so sweet these days.  He says sorry on his own all the time (at the appropriate time) and it just warms my heart.  He has such a kind heart.  He is also saying thank you a lot.  At night we lay down to say his prayers and usually he repeats after me, but the other night he said them all on his own.  He thanked God for his friends and school and food.  Made this momma so proud! 

Brooks makes us laugh all the time too.  We were out for a walk this week and he looked up and saw the birds.  He got so excited and started trying to fly.  And when Tim and I laugh at things he does, he says "that's funny."

Tim and I got to go to the UGA vs. Clemson game.  It was so much fun!  Tailgating was perfect thanks to my sis and bro-in-law's amazing tailgate.  And the game was a blast, one of the loudest I've heard at Sanford!  

That's all for now!  

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