Saturday, February 18, 2012

Making Time Stand Still...

... has become a recent dream of mine!  My sweet boy is already 2 months old, which means one-sixth of the year has passed!  I am really trying to revel in each moment, knowing I return to work in 3 short weeks.  In the past few weeks his personality has really begun to shine and I feel like he finally knows me.  We went to the doctor for his 2 month check-up today and here's how it panned out:

Height: 23.25 inches (65th percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds 7 ounces (59th percentile)
Head: 15.5 inches (62nd percentile)

The doctor was very pleased with his growth and his nighttime sleeping (usually he is sleeping stretches between 5 and 6 hours).

Here are his 2 month pictures:

Getting bigger :)

I was able to catch 1 smile!

You can kind of see his blue eyes in this picture!
Since this mommy has to prepare to return to work, I have been working really hard to help Brooks get on a semi-schedule.  With this comes the dreaded naps... at least they have been dreaded at our house!  I have tried everything to get Brooks to take a decent nap; including, but not limited to: the swing, the baby lounger, the pack-n-play, his crib, his car seat, etc.  It turns out that after 30 minutes he is wide awake- my little no nap baby!  Of course this leaves him quite cranky when 7PM rolls around (and daddy gets home from work to spend some time with him). 

So, yesterday I finally got smart (don't laugh at me if this would have been your first attempt, I'm new at the whole mommy thing).  I totally mimicked his bedtime routine, including the swaddle blanket and BOOM he slept an hour and a half in his crib!  I felt like a whole new person... and in turn started the project you'll read about next...
I know he's only 2 months old, but I feel like he already needs a toy room!  So, I took on the small project of turning our downstairs guest bedroom into a guest/toy room!  I got tired of putting toys out for us to use in the living room and then cleaning up, not to mention how claustrophobic it was making me feel.  Now we have a designated space to play, read, have tummy time, and NAP (ya right!).

Pictures of the renewed space:

Eventually we'll have more toys :)

 Sorry the bed's not made perfect Mom (hehe)!

Munson (our bulldog) has been gradually getting to know his little brother.  He likes to sniff him and sit beside him.  Sometimes he even sits in front of his crib when he begins to cry, it's quite sweet.  This week, Brooks officially got his "Bulldog baptism."  We have a UGA picture in our office of a bulldog licking a baby and the title is: "Bulldog Baptism,"  well here is Brooks' rendition:

I can't end this post without mentioning my new favorite time of the day!  Now that Brooks has his smile down pat he has become choosy about when he uses it, except in the morning!  He is such a happy morning baby!  On Saturday morning Tim and I brought him in to snuggle with us, and we really enjoyed his pleasant personality and heart-melting smiles!  There's nothing like it in the world! 

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