Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let Them Be Little...

...because they're only that way for a while.  I think I can finally listen to this song without breaking into tears!  Tim made a "Brooks" mix on the iPhone for my delivery and this song was on it.  We tried listening to the song around Christmas time and I had to insist we change it... too many emotions running wild!  Now, I use this song as a reminder on those "needy" days to enjoy him!  For those of you who have not heard this song, I strongly suggest you take a listen: "Let them be Little" by Billy Dean.

We are quickly approaching 3 months and Brooks is getting better at tummy time.  I can tell how strong he is getting! 


As a matter of fact, he has rolled over from his tummy to his back four times now! I finally caught it on video :)

Brooks also experienced his first fire in the fireplace:

I will be going back to work in 1 short week!  It's really bittersweet for me.  I have loved every moment being home with Brooks, enjoying his morning smiles and walking each afternoon.  I am timid about him starting daycare.  I know his teachers are great and he will receive the attention he needs, but its still not me!  I wonder: should I tell them that he likes to be held with one arm through his legs, that he needs to be swaddled to sleep, that sometimes he acts like he is finished with his bottle when he isn't, that he doesn't like to be in a poopy diaper for a minute, that he likes it when you "talk" back to him, and so on and so on?  I know they have plenty of experience, but its still difficult. 

At the same time, I do have some excitement in returning to work.  I miss the people I work with and the sense of normalcy.  I know my idea of "normal" is forever changed, but back to a consistent schedule.  Not to mention, I can rid myself of the sense of guilt I get when I multi-task with Brooks at home.  It has been hard to find the balance between giving him undivided attention and getting things done around the house.  My hats off to all you stay-at-home moms out there!

This may be my last post as a stay-at-home mom, so the next thing you read may be about my desire to be back at home and how I miss the special time with Brooks...

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