Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Heavy Hitter!

Brooks has been enjoying his time at daycare, but mom was ready for a much needed Spring Break with my son!  Not to mention some much needed sleep :)  Brooks has been waking up earlier and earlier at night, giving us the impression that he's not satisfied with his bottles.  He transitioned to a full 8 ounce bottle of formula before bed to see if that helped, but it didn't. 

So... we decided we would to try a little rice cereal (I know every mom out there has a strong opinion about this one way or another). So on Sunday he had his first go at eating from a spoon!  Granted the cereal was as runny as milk, he did pretty well!  And that night... he slept until 5AM!!  We had a similar repeat last night (which really helped mom out because I started reading The Hunger Games and couldn't put it down- no matter the amount of sleep I was missing).  I have my fingers crossed that he has turned over a new leaf and it's not just a coincidence... I'll keep you posted!

                                                                                                   Brooks is growing so rapidly- I was warned of this occurence, but its very different when you actually experience it.  He's a "supported sitter" now, loves to stand, and talks like its his job!  His teacher even mentioned how vocal and strong he is!  He can finally grasp on to a rattle and can follow anything (mainly mommy) with his eyes! Yesterday he weighed 15 pounds at the house, nothing official :)  And he is ready for size 2 diapers!

He had his first school pictures this week, which I am very anxious to see how that turned out!  He doesn't always smile when you want him to, he's already stubborn like his daddy.  He also had his picture taken with the Easter Bunny this weekend!

Brooks' new cousin, Maddox, was born this week!  So of course, he looks even more gigantic next to him.  I know they will have so much fun growing up together!

We are looking forward to spending Easter with our families this weekend!  Pictures to come...

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