This week he has been caught grasping a toy for the first time, sitting up with mommy's help, and he just LOVES to stand! He has become quite the vocal baby- babbling all day and night. Tim and I enjoy standing outside his room after he has gone to bed and listening to him talk to himself. Another new habit is the drool/ spit bubbles :)
It's like the 3 month mark has quickly graduated us from newborn and thrown us head-first into full on baby! He is beginning to sleep 8 hours at night, which makes mommy and daddy quite happy!
He has also begun to laugh, which melts my heart everytime! We hear from many people that he is a really good baby, although we wouldn't know any different at this point! His teachers at daycare love him and are taking good care of him. We got our first "craft" this week- a card with a shamrock and Brooks' footprint in the middle. It was very sweet :)
My best friend (since we were 1 year old) had a baby boy on Tuesday! I know he (Dayton) and Brooks will grow up to be the best of friends too! Right now Brooks looks humongous next to him, but I already warned him that Dayton could catch up to him some day!
Next week Brooks will also have a new cousin, Maddox!
St. Patrick's Day with Papa!
Don't laugh at my chubby legs :)
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