Saturday, July 28, 2012

Family Portraits

We went ahead and took advantage of Brooks' ability to sit, without crawling and had family portraits taken.  I am very happy with the way they turned out, and I am excited to try and make a collage wall in my house (if you have any helpful hints let me know).  The hard part is going to be choosing which photos get displayed, but I'd say that's a good problem to have!  Thanks to Angela Wilson Photography for a job well done!

Luckily we went ahead and took the pictures, because my little man is now on the move.  He does an army crawl at the moment and is not very interested in staying on his knees.  Whenever he can grab onto something he pulls right up to his feet.  We are at the frustrating time when he wants to move so quickly and easily, but it's still a struggle! 
He is, however, standing independently.  He can hold onto something and stand for a very long time without help.  When he isn't holding anything, he stays on his feet for about 10 seconds (long enough to realize no one is holding him up).  He loves to hold my hands and walk around the house!
Another important milestone- first word :)  He is now saying "mama," although it comes out with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.  It's the word I have worked on with him the most (of course), so I'm pretty sure that's his intention! I have it on video, but once again can't figure out why it won't upload!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lucky Number 7

I can't believe Brooks is already 7 months old!  In my biased opinion, he's the happiest baby ever :)
   He didn't want to stay still for pictures this time!

He is so much fun and on the verge of crawling!  For weeks he has been waking himself up in the night by practicing getting on all fours!  Mommy is ready for him to give that up and do the real thing!!
I am on a baby-proofing mission this week!  Carpets are getting cleaned, outlets covered, fireplace protected, baby gates up, etc.  I just know he will be all over the place before I know it.

I am really trying to cherish the next few weeks with Brooks.  I go back to work on August 6 :(  This summer vacation has just flown by and we don't get another break until Thanksgiving!

Brooks just loves to eat!  He fusses everytime his food is gone, no matter how much he eats (making me a little worried for those teenage years, haha)!  But on the positive side, he loves everything- including those green veggies!  We will start meat this week with some chicken!!
Stay cool out there!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Beach Fun!

We just got back from a fabulous trip to Gulf Shores.  It was Brooks' first trip to the beach, and I would say he loved it!  There were 20 relatives in 1 house!  I am a bit disappointed in the amount of pictures I took on the trip, but I was busy getting used to having a baby on vacation! 

Brooks first time with his feet in the sand and the ocean! 
  He had his own little tent for playing (without all the sand)!
Tim and I had our 2nd anniversary while on vacation :)

 Family Fun
 Playing in the pool
Such a happy kid!
 All the kids on family vacation!
 Me and my Daddy
Tim's parents gave us all these great family vacation shirts!  They made great photos of everyone!

...more photos to come soon (I took them on Tim's phone and need to upload).  Thanks to Tim's parents for a fantastic beach vacation!