Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Sometimes it's easy to become overwhelmed by a clingy toddler.  Mine is going through a serious "mommy phase."  He constantly asks for mommy to do things for him, wants to sit with mommy, wants to eat what mommy eats... you get the idea.  But I have come to a great conclusion that just helps me cherish those moments....

I will NEVER be this adored again!  I mean, he fell asleep whispering my name the other night.  How special is that?  One day he will be all grown up, and I'll just be sitting there wishing to be adored.  So, I'll take it while I can.  

The boys have grown so much and we have been very busy in the last month, so I'll attempt to give a brief update:

Tim and I are having a blast helping to run Josh Powell Camp.
Our counselors

We got new deck furniture, very excited!
Belated Mother's Day at ...
Sips N' Strokes
Brooks has been very entertaining lately!  I have to share a few stories, so that I can come back and read them in 10 years :)
One night, Tim's mom was over and getting some fruit for Brooks.  She asked him, "What's the magic word?"  (Expecting him to say please)....
but he quickly responds, "Mishca"   (as in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse magic words).  We all died laughing!

Brooks has been doing so well in his big boy bed!  He stays in his bed and calls out when he wakes up, until one morning.  I was fast asleep when all of the sudden two chubby little hands gripped my face, full 2 year old body weight on top of me, with the sweetest "I love you Mommy" coming out of his mouth.  That just might be the best way to start the day!
He is enjoying the pool this year

I will report that we tried to start potty training, pretty unsuccessfully, so watch for an update on that later... or maybe when he's 8.

On the flip side, Tim and I have listened to Brooks count to 14 twice. Such a smart (and cute) little cookie!

And for Ramsey's big 6 month update:
(I'll update stats when I get them)

Ramsey just adores his big brother.  He gets the biggest smile on his face if Brooks even glances his way.  While we were taking RJ's 6 month pictures Brooks wanted to get in for a few.  I put him up there and shortly after he started squirming and trying to get away from Ramsey and I couldn't figure it out.  Now I'm looking at the picture (below, right) and noticing the tight pinch grip RJ has on Brooks arm, oops! 

Ramsey has started to roll over to sleep on his stomach in bed, is sitting without support for a handful of minutes, and had his first go at rice cereal :)

Ramsey did not enjoy it at first, but ate every last drop and asked for more!

RJ was baptized this past Sunday, June 29.  It was very special because he had so many people there to support him!  
God Father, Adam
God Mother, Jen



We also celebrated Jim's 60th birthday this weekend with a surprise party! I'm not sure who had more fun, him or all the little cousins running around. Happy Birthday Papa!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!  This was a long post (and I cut out a lot). 

I'll leave you with this comparison of my baby boys... Brooks was sporting a lot more hair than RJ.