Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our Fearless Leader

The Hourigan house is quite "untraditional" right now, but then again what is traditional anyway?  In society's terms we are breaking the norm, while Mommy works and Daddy stays home with the babies and goes to school.  But I'll tell you what ladies, I wouldn't have it any other way!

My man has proven himself in ways I never thought possible.  I would be remiss to not take a moment and point out the way he has stepped up to the plate and become a MORE incredible husband and father...

My man does dishes!  And I'm not talking about putting a few plates in the dishwasher.  I'm talking about full on, loading the dishwasher, scrubbing hand wash and emptying the dishwasher each morning (before the babies even wake up).  He has been doing this without complaint for months now!  Once my pregnant belly reached a circumference keeping my arms from reaching the sink, he stepped in like no one's business.  I'm so proud of him!

My man keeps the living room clean.  This may seem easy for all you DINKs out there (Dual Income, No Kids), but this might be the most difficult task.  My toddler is able to take a perfectly clean room and cover it with toys in 2.5 seconds.  Tim picks up the living room each night, and even vacuums once or twice a week!  I'm so proud of him!

My man cooks!! He has taken on the responsibility of cooking our dinner and having it ready by 6PM each night.  I never have to worry about what we are having or who is going to cook it.  He also has breakfast ready for the cranky toddler (often before he even wakes up in the morning).  My favorite thing he does is make me a cup of coffee each morning.  It puts a smile on my face every time!  I'm so proud of him!

My man grocery shops AND stays on budget!  There aren't a whole lot of guys out there that are willing to sacrifice so much for their family!  Tim goes out each week with our grocery list and comes back home and puts everything away.  My favorite part is that he doesn't buy everything he WANTS, but just what we need.  He is setting a great example for our kids!  I'm so proud of him!

My man can entertain and care for our kids (and often does it for 10 hours a day while I work)!  It amazes me the patience it takes to be at home with a toddler (and no other adults) all day.  And I'll be honest, my toddler is pretty stubborn.  Somehow or another, the two of them survive each day and I come home to smiles!  I'm so proud of him! 

Lastly, my man leads our family to be closer to Christ.  Tim leads us in prayer before every meal.  In fact, he is so persistent about it that my 2 year old cannot eat with out first saying "Amen."  He is encouraging on getting us to church each week, and models good Christianity in daily decision making.  I'm so proud of him!

Tim, you are holding this family together, setting us up for a better future, and modeling great qualities for our children.  I couldn't ask for more in the man I will spend forever with!  I love you!

Newborn Cuteness!

We had a very pleasant experience getting Ramsey's newborn photos done.  I have a high school friend who has her own photography business, so she was able to come over and spend plenty of time trying to get great pictures!  It was not rushed, I was able to nurse him when needed, and we were all so relaxed.  Ramsey did amazing the whole time!  If you're looking for a good local photographer, look up LoveLee Imagery and talk to Ashley!












 We have pictures of Brooks in his stocking, so we wanted to make sure we got some of Ramsey too.   Now when they grow up we can take a picture of them with the same stocking on their foot :)

We will be putting a few of these on canvas and I am so excited! I'll post some pictures when we get them. Such a little cutie!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Done with One?

1 month has come and gone for our little Ramsey, and he continues to be such a good baby!  I almost don't even want to say it out loud (or type it) because then I may ginx it.  He has been nursing well, gaining weight, and sleeping in at least 3 hour stretches at night.  No complaints from this mama!

In fact, yesterday I was telling a friend that I didn't mind waking up for him during the night (especially when I don't have to get up for work at 5AM) and then last night he slept for 6 hours straight!  I don't expect that again any time soon.

We went for his 1 month check-up today and the doctor was very pleased with his growth!  

Weight: 9 lb. 3oz. (31%)

Height: 21.75 in. (71%)

Head: 14.75 in. (70%) 

Even when we were taking these pictures, he didn't quiver a lip.  I remember trying to take Brooks' 1 month pictures and he screamed the whole time!
We're making sure the boys stay true to mama's alma mater!

Ramsey and I also put the Moby Wrap to use!  We finally had a pretty day outside so I was able to hold Ramsey and play with Brooks.  I was so proud of myself for getting it on correctly!                                                                                   Brooks is continuing to be a big help with his Bubba!  He has been helping to clean up, throw things away, and give Ramsey his passy.  

Additionally, Brooks is starting to try singing the alphabet, saying his prayers, and singing other songs with his Mama.  He usually only gets a few words correct, but he mumbles the rest and stays on beat.  It makes me smile every time!  I love how he tries without worrying if he gets it wrong.  There's something for us to learn from him!  

My heart melting family!  Which reminds me, one of my favorite moments happened last night.  I put Brooks to bed and as I walked out of the room he said, "I yuv you Mama."  I said "I love you too" and walked out.  Then he said, "Wait Mama... I yuv you."  He repeated this 3 times as I walked out each time, throwing in a "Come back!" every so often.  He is just beginning to put sentences together and say I love you on his own, so I gave into him a few times before I called it quits for the night :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Brooks and his Bubba

Brooks bringing his mama flowers!
As many of you know, I was very anxious to see how Brooks responded to having Ramsey around.  It is very important to me that they are best friends, and I wanted to do all I could to make sure Brooks didn't feel jealous or envious of Ramsey and his one on one time with his nursing mama.

I'm happy to report that Brooks has been a champ of a big brother!  He walked into the hospital to meet him on Day 1 and immediately called him his Bubba.  He loved on him, but was not overbearing in wanting to hold him and keep him all to himself.

Since then Brooks is learning how to be gentle with his Bubba and asks to hold him at least once a day.  Brooks is quick to report when "Bubba crying."  Brooks also loves to copy Ramsey's noises whether its hiccups, crying, or just babbling.





Brooks and Teagan, just look how he adores her!

Daddy love!
Me and my boys! 
Ramsey's first bath!
I could just pinch those cheeks!

Brothers :)

Life as a two year old!

Bulldog face!

Brooks had a blast playing with the girls in the neighborhood!

Brooks above and Ramsey below!

This is one of those pictures I just had to include so I can find it when its time for him to get married!

I know their relationship will continue to change as they grow, but I'm happy they started off on the right foot!